Communication from the FACT Office
Before performing a FACT inspection, inspectors are emailed communications from the FACT office that provide specific details about upcoming inspections. It is important to read each email in full because the information provided is critical to performing a specific inspection. The following are two key emails you should expect after agreeing to perform an inspection:
Inspection Team Assignment Email: When an inspection is confirmed, all members of the inspection team receive an email with the date and location of the inspection. This email contains very important logistical information, including:
How to access the compliance application;
Travel arrangements including hotel recommendations, pricing, and directions;
The name and contact information of your FACT accreditation coordinator, inspection team members, and the facility’s key personnel; and
Additional resources.
Inspector Responsibilities Email from Accreditation Coordinator: You will also receive an email from your FACT accreditation coordinator, which contains instructions to fulfill the inspection team’s responsibilities. This email contains information including:
How to review documentation in the portal,
Reviewing and entering RFIs,
Documenting compliance with FACT Interim Standards and Administration of Immune Effector Cells (if applicable),
Inspection checklists,
Team leader instructions,
Mentor and trainee responsibilities,
Submitting the inspection report, and
Additional resources.
Because you will need to reference these emails as you prepare for an upcoming inspection, the following suggestions may help you keep them easily accessible:
Mark FACT emails as “unread” in your email inbox so they continue to serve as reminders,
Create an email folder in your inbox with the name and date of the inspection and save all FACT emails related to the inspection in that folder, or
Categorize FACT emails with a specific color.