Commendable Practices
Inspectors are encouraged to identify commendable practices of any organization that may benefit other cell therapy programs or cord blood banks. By submitting commendable practices, you help:
Motivate your peers,
Highlight improvements in performance,
Encourage high standards and reliability, and
Create solutions for problems.
There are many forms of commendable practices, such as charts, forms, checklists, maps, presentations, processes, policies, and procedures.
Upon permission from the director, submit your commendable practice(s) to the FACT office. If you identified a commendable practice during the on-site inspection but did not have time to obtain permission from the director, submit the name and process of the commendable practice to the FACT office. FACT staff will contact the facility to obtain permission to use the commendable practice. The documents will be reviewed for inclusion in FACT education initiatives including webinars, workshops, publications, and the Quality Handbook.