Accreditation is awarded after successful documentation of compliance with the current Standards. Applicants prepare by confirming their eligibility, reviewing the applicable Standards, and establishing compliance with those requirements. To initiate the accreditation process, applicants submit an online eligibility application to the FACT Office. Once an eligibility application has been submitted and is approved by FACT, organizations have 12 months from approval to complete the compliance application. Compliance is determined by evaluation of written documents provided by the applicant organization and observations from an on-site inspection.
Central to all of these efforts is verification of compliance with the Standards by the FACT inspectorate. On-site inspections are carried out by a team of inspectors who are qualified by education and experience, have completed inspector training requirements, and have a working knowledge of the applicable Standards.
As a member of the FACT inspectorate, you are the face of FACT.
FACT inspectors may be all that Applicant personnel ever see of our organization. Conversely, FACT relies on its inspectorate to evaluate compliance with the Standards and to represent its mission.