Initial Qualifications
FACT’s aim is to send out the most qualified inspectors, whose range of experience matches that of the applicant they will inspect. To become an inspector, you are required to complete an application form detailing your professional qualifications.
Remember that some qualifications require maintenance over time.
For example,inspectors must be a member of a professional society
(i.e. ASBMT, ISCT, ASFA, NetCord) and be employed at an organization
that is either FACT accredited or is an active applicant for FACT
accreditation. An inspector may continue as a FACT inspector for two
years after he/she leaves a FACT-accredited or applicant program, if eligible.
Please keep the FACT Accreditation Office updated on new areas of expertise, additional qualifications you have achieved, and any changes in your contact information (e.g., work telephone, fax numbers, email address, mailing address, assistant’s contact information) as they occur.